The Three Areas of Focus – Part 2: Simultaneous Oral Sex

  • November 4, 2022
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You may not have ever thought of the Crow as a sacred animal, but in the Kama Sutra, The Congress of the Crow, or the Union of the Crow is what we today call 69. Interesting, because most of us have never seen two crows in that position. Maybe in ancient times people observed it… who knows? 

We do know that using your bodies together in shared oral lovemaking can be a very intense and intimate experience. Sometimes it’s important to focus on one at a time because it can get confusing, can’t it? Some people say it’s disorienting: “Oh my, I’m getting… oh my, I’m giving… oh my, I don’t know what I’m doing! But oh! There I go! 

Sharing in this way is a very, very intimate union. It’s one of the Unions – or positions – of the ancient Kama Sutra. We want to be sure that when we share in this way, we negotiate. Speak with your partner first. “Is this OK?” “How do you like it?” Do you want the man to lay a certain way and the female to be on top of him? Do you want to be side by side? How do you want to negotiate the bodies? Do you want to take turns? Maybe you want to give to him first, and then you can take a breath and he can reciprocate. 

Or maybe you want to go for it and have simultaneous oral, because there’s something special about trusting your partner enough to engage in it. If you’re in the folds of your harmony, of your trust, of the spirit of “two as one”… if you’re really there, that’s the time when simultaneous oral really works. 

It isn’t something you jump right into. This isn’t, “Hi honey. I’m home, Boom!” kind of sex. The Congress of the Crow, or the Union of the Crow, is a very sacred union. So when you allow your- selves to trust each other enough, and trust yourself enough, that’s when you can let go enough to perform oral simultaneously. And I assure you; you are going to have ecstasy! 

The Modern Kama Sutra helps you discover how important it is for the man to pleasure the woman first. It teaches how to move from sensuality to a more erotic style and become a passionate kisser, how to use manual touch and oral pleasures on her, and how to reciprocate ecstatic pleasures for him. Focusing on her being aroused and ready is a sure path to great sex. 
