We’ve covered some of the Kama Sutra’s teachings about sensuality, and the preparation that’s necessary before a sexual encounter. We’ve looked at the importance of pleasuring her first – and a little pleasure for him. Now let’s look at Union.
Often when we think about the essence of the Kama Sutra… what is the Kama Sutra? What comes to many people’s minds is the image of sexual positions. If you’ve ever looked at any of the guides – the beautiful chapters that are out there with beautiful In- dian images of these two people, the sultan and his bride lying on a beautiful cushion or something like that – what you see are different sexual positions being enacted.
The Kama Sutra includes a variety of the most amazing sexual positions that you can imagine. What the Kama Sutra imparts about these positions can teach you how to get to true ecstasy in a way you’ve never gone before. Union is not only the coming together of the Lingam and the Yoni, but it’s also the coming together of two people as sacred partners. It’s the coming together of your spirits, of your minds, of your emotions, and of your bodies.
It’s a sense of union of oneness, of connectedness, of ultimate ecstasy blending into one… a sense of merging into one. The sexual union positions promote and facilitate this connectedness. Some of the positions are very advanced. Some you may not be able to do – or you’ll want to make sure you’re in really good shape to do.
That’s one reason Yoga is so good, because Yoga enables you to do things like grab your foot behind your head and bend over three times.
Some of the positions in the Kama Sutra actually do evoke a sense of Yoga. They look like something that someone who’s really proficient in Yoga could do without great strain. You only want to try sexual positions that you know you can do safely, and that you know you can do without causing pain. Pain is not the goal. The goal is pleasure. The goal is ecstasy.
We begin by focusing on your partner. Honoring and worshipping your partner. Everyone knows how to do that. We have an offer- ing, or we do a ritual… maybe put out wine or flowers… maybe we share food together. We embody the divine… looking into your partner’s eyes… harmonizing your breathing with your partner… clasping hands… whatever it is that you decide works for you.
Have oils available, so when you touch your partner sensually or erotically or sexually, your touch glides smoothly. There’s no effort; everything is easy and smooth. Have things around in your environment that make it a sacred environment – a sensual, rich, evocative environment. You want to connect with your partner in the ways that we’ve talked about, whether it’s through ritual or just sitting together and holding hands and hugging each other. Whatever it is that allows you to feel that sense of connection.
Focus on the energy. When you are connected to your partner, you are actually able to feel energy move between the two of you. Wherever it is that you’re connected, if you tune in you can feel energy within your own body, and connecting to your partner is what’s going to elevate your sexual experience.
When you begin by arousing your partner – remember, you always begin with her – maybe you use your hands… maybe you start with a face caress… maybe a head caress or a full body caress.
Maybe you then go down to her Yoni with your hands. Or use your mouth and tongue on her Yoni. Maybe she then reciprocates on him with her hands or her mouth. When the woman is fully aroused you’re ready for sexual union.
The Kama Sutra teaches positions that promote the male as the dominant, as well as some positions that give the woman dominance. Just as we discussed a man allowing his woman to give to him when he is receiving oral love, there are positions where the female is on top, and so to some extent is the “giver.” These positions are less frequent in the Kama Sutra, but they are a very significant and powerful part of how the Kama Sutra works, both the ancient and the modern. When the woman is on top, she has more control. You control the depth and the angle of penetration and thrusting, and you get to feel an energy running through your body that you otherwise don’t get to feel.
There are positions where you are lying down and can open your- self up to him and let him do whatever he wants to do. In others, you’re tenderly locked, sometimes body to body, and you can learn to roll over in harmony, while still entwined.
There are kneeling positions, and kneeling often gives one the sensation of reverence. If you’re kneeling and he’s behind you he can caress and hold you in a sacred embrace. If you’re kneeling face to face, or you’re sitting on him, or you’re seated on a chair, or you’re doing all kinds of positions in various ways… they open up your energy flow and promote a sense of intimate union and connectedness, and ultimately, ecstatic pleasure.
I will show you how the positions work in order, according to the ancient Kama Sutra for modern day, because if you follow them in order, a magical thing happens. You begin to open up and you actually ascend, energetically, into higher and higher states of excitement and arousal until you reach the pinnacle of maximal, ultimate sexual ecstasy.
Remember that it’s important to talk to your partner about what feels good as you explore and experiment with these positions. You want to make sure that you never hurt your partner. You always only do things that feel pleasurable and that enable you to feel more connected and more relaxed and more in surrender.
You’ll want to learn how to you make sure that you pleasure clitorally, and also vaginally, on the G-Spot, and anally if you want to explore that. Whatever it is that promotes your pleasure. Finally, know that all of these positions, interestingly enough, begin with the classic missionary. She’s lying on her back, in receptive mode, and he’s climbing onto her, ready to take her to bliss.
Most of these positions are male-dominant, with the exception of “Female in the Male Role.” To have the greatest pleasure, make sure the woman is amply aroused before trying any unions.
The deeper penetration positions allow greater pleasure for both partners. Discuss which positions you think will help stimulate you to reach clitoral, G-Spot, vaginal, even anal bliss. The goal, remember, is not orgasm, but merging, unity, ecstasy and all the pleasure you can share as two sacred beings. Be sure to enjoy what you do, and to find the best ways to feel the best sensations your amazing bodies can bring you to experience.
The Kama Sutra path is one of spiritual ecstasy and unity with your beloved.