Here’s another level, because this kind of goes in levels of increased sexual intimacy, as you’re probably beginning to sense by the next one. And that’s Intimate, or lingam and yoni massage. This is about caressing and playing and massaging, pleasuring with our hands, because that’s what Intimate Massage means. We use our hands to open up the ecstasy of the yoni or the lingam. We’re involved in something that is clearly sexual, so the Second Chakra is involved, but it may be other Chakras as well.
We may be wanting to see the divine in that act, and so maybe we’re coming from our Third Eye, seeing into her soul as you’re pleasuring her yoni. Do you get this? How the Chakras are now weaving in and out of all this?
MAN: We can synchronize our breathing at the same time…
WOMAN: I’d like to show you how much I cherish your lingam.
MAN: Yes?
WOMAN: And my devotion to you…
WOMAN: Your lingam and your love is sacred to me.
WOMAN: It feels good to pass my energy to you through my hands.
MAN: I can feel it.
WOMAN: Can you feel how much I love you?
PATTI: Maybe we then move on to Oral Massage, or lingam massage or yoni massage with the mouth or the tongue. You could even experiment with things like bringing the breath into it, like blowing on the yoni, to add different sensations.
Often, it’s called “Playing the Flute” in Tantric positions, and of course it’s easy to see the flute in this object. It’s maybe not so easy to see it in the yoni, but it’s the idea of sending sacred music through your oral caressing of your sacred beloved’s male or
female manifestation.
Moving up that scale, another Tantric act is to use the lingam as a massage wand. Maybe you practice with a slow entry. Sending all the energy from your Chakras in through the lingam into her. Literally using it as a missile or a vehicle for collecting the energies of all seven Chakras and sending it through slowly, entering her with all of you, energetically, that’s powerful sex!
In Tantra, it’s so different from traditional ways of thinking about sex, because you can even use a flaccid penis, or lingam that isn’t hard, or erect, and stuff it inside and feel the energy of it. It’s not about the object; the object is the container for the energy – it’s very different, conceptually.
Some of the time, there may be stillness. Remember I’ve talked a lot about quiet and stillness. Maybe the lingam is inside the yoni and there’s no movement. That’s the perfect time to feel all the energies moving. When you’ve become aroused and connected, and the lingam is inside the yoni and you’re not moving, guess what is moving: energy.
That’s when you get to the center of what Tantric Sex is all about.
Finally, using the lingam as a sacred wand, there’s a wonderful Tantric act or motion… called the Rocking Horse, and, for those of you who have played with the G-Spot, or the Goddess Region, when you use a rocking horse motion with your lingam inside of her yoni, what’s happening is that you’re actually stimulating the G-Spot. So that rocking horse motion can create waves of ecstasy in her.
We said earlier, and we’ll reiterate, that in Tantric Sexuality, the man does what he can to sustain not having his orgasm, to sustain his lingam in motion and not coming. It’s an ecstatic edge to live on, and you can even take that out of the bedroom and live on that edge all the time.
Last but not least, you, as the sacred beloved Lady Shakti, can use your hand on his lingam while he is using it inside of you as a wand, or just helping him know how much you cherish and worship the lingam by keeping your hand connected.
So this is a different way of looking at what we would think of as typical sexual behaviors. Very different.