• February 6, 2023
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I’m going to teach you one more thing before we get to the breathing. I promise you we’re going to get right to the breathing, but that is about the Chakras and honoring the love between you. 

So, just quickly, I want you to turn to each other… and look in each other’s eyes. Left Eye Gaze, synchronize your breathing – you’re going to get good at this fast – and I want you to place your right hand over your partner’s heart. And send energy from your Heart Chakras to each other, just to anchor in that new learning and that new knowing. Use your hand to send the love into the heart of your partner and feel it flowing in, and feel it flowing out.

I teach most of my clients how to breathe, and the reason is, in order to enter into a sexual experience, we have to come home into the body. And it’s a key part of Tantra, so I’m going to teach you a way of using your mind and your breath to imagine creating an egg around your body. 

So you may want to turn away from your partner and sit with your feet on the ground or on the floor, and your hands can go on your lap. And I want you to close your eyes and imagine drawing your breath up your back from the base of the spine, up all those Chakras to the top of the head. And then let it tumble down the front of your being. From your forehead, your face, your throat, your heart, your Hara, Sexual Chakra, Root Chakra, down to your toes. 

Inhale all the way up your legs to the top of the head. Hold it for a breath, and then exhale all the way down the front of your body, and then imagine a waterfall of light or a gentle water caressing you as you do it. And just practice that for several breaths.

Feel the cocoon, or the egg of breath, that you’re creating for your body. 

Breathing that “Egg Breath,” as I call it, making an egg or a cocoon around your body is one of the ways of getting in tune with your own energies. 

Now here is the Fire Breath, and this is a breath that’s taught as part of some Tantric traditions, and we’re firing up the Chakras down there, okay? So the idea is, exhale, stick out your belly, this part right here. Everybody think that they have it? Let’s try it one more time as a group by closing our eyes. And on the inhale we’re going to push out the abdomen and on the exhale, pull in. Okay, ready?

How do you feel? I feel so energized and clear, my mind feels clear. Did that help clear anything energetically in you? It’s an awakening breath, the other breath is about quieting down and focusing; this is about energizing and waking up. 

So you’re going to get to play with those in practice sessions where you can practice the Fire Breathing or the Egg Breathing and see where that brings you as a couple. I’m going to give you some suggestions for different ways that you can play with your bodies together and focus in on an aspect of using the body temple as a way of integrating everything that we’ve learned so far on this journey together and really having some fun!
