Now, we get to add the body. So how many of you know about the Chakras? How many of you have experienced them? Yes, all of you, right? And Chakra is a word for energy center. And in the human body, there are seven energy centers. The first one is the root, or the base. That’s Chakra One and it’s the base of the spine. The coccyx, the end of the spinal column. It’s right here – and it’s primal, it’s survival. And it’s where a lot of the “Uh, uh, uh” music comes from. It’s very primal in a way that’s hard, it’s hard-driving.
Then it moves up to number two. And guess what number two happens to be? The Sexual Chakra. The second Chakra is about creativity, it’s about our sexuality. It’s about birthing, It’s about compassion. It’s a very powerful center and it’s the energy center. If we looked at slicing the body into seven pieces, like if a saw came like this and sliced me up energetically that second area is where the sexual energy runs the hottest.
The third is the source of our power: the Hara. You think of the navel and a little energy belt around that. That’s the Hara, that’s the sense of our power. Interestingly enough, in martial arts, you shoot from here. This is your core, this is your center. All the energy comes from here; this is where you get centered and balanced. But Tantra is not like that. But this is a center that we have to master.
The fourth Chakra is the Heart. So the heart is such an important center for love. And for compassion as well. And acceptance. The fifth is the throat. And this is the center for expression. Just as you would think, you know; this is what allows me to talk. This is what allows me to create, even though there is another aspect of creating in One and Two.
But this is where the will is in some Tantric traditions.
And then Six is…what is that?
MAN: Third eye…
PATTI: Third eye. Exactly. This is like the psychic connector, isn’t it? This is all-seeing: “I see through to…” This is a center of real vision, real knowing.
The last is called the Crown Chakra. It’s the crown of the head. It’s the highest level and it’s the connection to the Divine, to the Universe, to Spirit itself.
When we know that we each have seven energy centers in our bodies, and that surrounds our bodies, they’re not just contained in our skin, they’re around us. We can begin to move energy there or we can send it there consciously with our mind.
The color of Chakra One is red, so you can imagine a red band of light to activate that. You can take your mind and you can pour red light into this part of you to activate or energize that Chakra. When you’re with your sweetie, you may say something like: “I feel safe with you,” because it’s the site of security and survival.
Moving to the Sexual Chakra – it is orange. So we can imagine an orange light, and send it to activate that second Chakra of Sexuality. You may say something like: “I feel desire for you.”
As we move up to the next Chakra, which is here at the navel, the solar plexus. This is about action as well – it’s not just power, but action. You could say something like: “I feel strong with you,” because this is where our strength lives.
Then as we move up to the heart, can you imagine what you might say at the heart? “I love you,” it’s so obvious: “I love you so much.” And the color for the heart is green. So imagine sending beautiful emerald light to this part of your body to activate that. Or when you’re not feeling love for your partner, bring that green light into that Chakra.
The throat is a color blue. So imagine a bright blue that is just a band across your throat. That might say something like: “I want you.”
Moving up to the highest levels, when we get to the forehead, the color is purple, that’s a very spiritual color. So imagine a band of purple right over the Third Eye. And to me, I think that something like: “I see your soul,” is so appropriate, because this is where we see through to the essence of our partner.
Finally, at the Crown Chakra, we either have an indigo violet, or a pure white light, because white light is the divine color. It’s the light shining through the lingam. And we might say: “I connect with the Divine in you.”