• March 6, 2023
150 150 adminav

This brings us to our conclusion. How is everybody feeling now?

MAN: Great!

PATTI: Great? Excited? Tuned-in to each other? 

Just like with any sexual act or shared sexual experience as a couple, when you come to the conclusion and you decide that you don’t want to keep her going, nor do you want to stop him, because that’s the energy of female versus male, you’ve interwoven male and female – you’ve connected.

You’ve gone through your ritual to begin with, with your eye gaze, with setting the scene, with crystals and sacred objects and symbols all around and your music. You’ve allowed yourselves to make that eye to eye connection. 

You’ve learned how to breathe alone, to get inside your body. You’ve learned how to breathe together to synchronize. 

You’ve learned how to begin to connect energetically. You may want to start with the hands, facing each other, to connect; that may be your ritual for beginning. You may want to do an energy ball together, so that you begin to pulsate and feel the energy between you. 

You may want to do a whole Chakra meditation, where you’re sitting with your legs around each other, facing each other, upright, and you can hold or put your hands together. And you’re using that as a way of anchoring and coming together, with your mind, your emotion, your attitude, your spirit and your body. 

You’re connecting up, and if you choose to do a Chakra meditation, you’ll want to take the chart and learn the colors and remember some things that you may want to say at each of the seven levels. 

You may also want to explore with the different kinds of caressing. You’ll want to awaken your senses. You’ll want to play with all the different ways that you can connect with the lingam and the yoni and the spirit.

Make it a sacred journey, and make it as long as you want it to be, as deep and harmonious as you want it to be, and as joyful, blissful and ecstatic as you can get. That’s what it’s all about. 

I want to encourage you to you take it seriously as a sacred journey together.

This isn’t just something that you squeeze between the midnight and the one o’clock show on TV, or just before the kids wake up, or whatever it is. You need to make time for it. 

At the end of it, you also have what I like to call “afterglow.” Just as you have foreplay in a great sex act, you have afterplay – you snuggle and caress. 

Even more importantly, you bring this sense of a divine and sacred circle to its conclusion and completion. 

So you honor your partner and you say: “thank you.” “Thank you so much for sharing your being with me.” “This was divine, this was bliss for me – I love you so much.” “You are my beloved, you are my goddess, you are my god.” “You are my Shiva, you are my Shakti – I honor and worship you.” “I look forward to so many more years of celebrating this divine journey together.” “In spirit into flesh.”

So, I send you on your journey. 

In the spirit of Tantra, I’d like to bring us to a ritual conclusion where we all hold our hands now, together, and send energy to the center of this table. 

We say, “May this beautiful workshop energy that we’ve co-created be transmuted into something for the greater good for all of us.” 

May you take this with you as you practice what you’ve learned today.

May we send this into the world for greater love and greater healing and greater peace and may the Divine Masculine and Feminine ever interweave to the greatest good that they can manifest in each and every one of us and among us all as the sacred circle we’ve created today.

It’s been my honor to be here as your guide, and I welcome you to many, many more of these workshops. So, in the spirit of closing the circle, I thank all the Divine Forces that were with us today, and I blow out the light of our Shiva and Shakti for many, many more…

TOGETHER: And so it is…
