First: Sensual Body Caress.
Do you have any idea what caress might mean?
It’s not a massage – what do you think caress means?
WOMAN: Barely touching…
PATTI: Barely touching… softly…delicately – it’s light. Maybe you’re sending an intention of love, or connectivity or playfulness to your partner.
Maybe what you’re doing is looking at their face, as your Sacred Beloved’s face and you’re giving a caress on their face, or maybe her torso, maybe her back and then around to her front. Just caressing, and letting her know through your touch, through your Sensual Caress how much you love her.
Then, another idea is Massage – Sensual Massage. We’ve talked about opening up all five senses, and now we get to apply that in terms of touch. And how do we do that? Well, maybe we do that through a massage of the hands or the feet. Maybe we just go to the shoulders and knead in there, or the buttocks, and just push and get the tension out, or use that as an erotic signal: “how much I adore you.”
That we just send energy from there through our hands that’s about opening up the buttocks, because maybe he’s lying down and you’re just in there. And now you’re sending that energy from your Second Chakra to his Second Chakra.
WOMAN: Let’s send the energy all the way through you…
MAN: Mmm… I feel it.
MAN: It’s very relaxing, very peaceful…
WOMAN: I like how this oil feels on your skin, it’s kind of cool.
WOMAN: It’s really soft.
MAN: Now I really feel the energy. I feel it tingle all over.
MAN: Now it’s my turn to give you massage…
MAN: And let you feel some of my energy.
WOMAN: Sounds fine to me!
MAN: I honor that goddess in you.
WOMAN: This feels really nice!
MAN: Warming up?
MAN: Are you feeling the energy from me?
WOMAN: Your hands are nice and warm, it feels good.
WOMAN: Oh my god, that feels so good.
WOMAN: You need to keep doing that for a long time!
MAN: I will.
MAN: I want to connect your Sexual and your Heart Chakra.
MAN: Can you feel that?
MAN: You feel the energy?
WOMAN: That’s good…
PATTI: Maybe you take it out into nature, or out to the pool, or out to a Jacuzzi, and use it as part of your sensual expression. You feel the water and it opens you up, and all your Chakras are open! You delight in being in warm water or bubbles together, and you’re just sending that energy from whatever Chakra zones you want.